Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Reflecting on my day with my mother and daughter; God brought to my thoughts Ecclesiastes 3:1. “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.”

I spent the day cleaning my mother’s house, taking her to the drugstore, to town and sitting at her feet giving her a pedicure. I never thought of as a young woman, ever coming to this place in my life of taking care of my mother. Her health is declining and the simple tasks of life she used to do are getting hard for her to do now.

My week began with plans of going to Mobile at the end of the week to be with my friends, whose daughter was having back surgery. Brooke, their daughter is severely autistic. By Monday night, I found out my mother was hurting in her hips and back. I knew then, I probably would not get to go to Mobile. But I kept holding out; thinking I would go as the week went on. The day I was supposed to be leaving on my trip, I went to check on my mother, who was not feeling well. At that moment, God told me my priority was to be here, to take care of my mother’s needs. I let my friends know that I would not be coming, but my heart was longing to be there with them during this time in their lives.

Then, thinking of my Mom, Brooke, and Brooke’s mom, Dani, my friend, I knew God had each of us where He wanted us to be, even though in our hearts there was a desire to be together. He reminded me that His plans are not ours and we need to trust Him no matter what.

I am learning through each season of my life that events are not always going to be the way I want them. I am to take these seasons God has me in and embrace them and grow from them. God has taken me through many different seasons in my life, some lasted longer than others. They have taught me about life, who I am in Him, to see the way He moves and to love others deeply. Some of those seasons have been painful and have cut deep into the core of my heart, others have been blessings and joyful. The one thing I do know, even when I don’t understand the season I am in, is that I can lean on Him, embrace, trust and allow Him to love me through it.

Seasons, there are many kinds that come in our lives; happy, painful, growing, lonely, tragic, and peaceful and many more.
So, I ask what season are you in. Maybe God is blessing you so much that it is overwhelming or it is a difficult time. Remember He is with you and will never leave or forsake you! Trust Him, as He takes you through this time in your life. He has a purpose and plan for His kingdom in the seasons. He is waiting with His arms wide open!

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't sure what God had in mind when he sent us to Iowa. At first it felt like some kind of punishment, especially since the last 2 years back home seemed crazy. But I quickly realized he wasn't sending me away bc he was mad, but bc he loved me. This has been an amazing move, and we can look back over this last year and see God's hand everywhere. He turned my sorrow into praise!

    Your one of the people I miss the most though Tammy!
