Tuesday, June 18, 2013


My first morning back from a six day mission trip to Ecuador was refreshing however; I am still left with a longing to go back. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy to be home with my family but I long for the cold showers, no phone or tv, long hours doing ministry and especially longing for the people there.

God reminded me who He is and who He has called me to be and what He has called me to do on the trip to Ecuador. I had allowed people, things and this world to suffocate my walk with Him and I had grown cold to Him and others.

As I am sitting here on my back porch, I realize how my flowers and plants have grown and changed since I have been gone.  God revealed to me that was what He has and is doing in me during the trip to Ecuador and now as I am writing;  changing my attitude, my life and my heart. Oh, how I praise You, Father. I recognize that change doesn’t have to be on a mission trip or something dramatic to happen but can come daily by spending quality time with Him and allowing Him to heal and to minister to me. These are all things that I know but by being so consumed by the world, I couldn’t see it anymore.

As I said earlier I was longing for Ecuador even now as I write my longing is even changing to a longing to  to have a changed heart that is so saturated of  Him.

“Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28

He has given me rest in my soul and changed what was darkness back toward the light.

Are you changing to be more like Him? Or are you like me where I was suffocating from the things of this world or maybe you are tired of trying and ready to give up? Whatever it may be that is holding you back from allowing Him in to change you; give it to God today and allow the process to begin. Remember the process of us changing doesn’t end until we are home with our Father. We must come to God daily for Him to show us and change us to be who He has created us to be.

Don’t halt the process; go to Him and find rest for your soul.

Lord, create in me a thirst for You. Train my soul to know clean, pure refreshment. Train my soul for You.



Saturday, March 2, 2013

Already Won

While waiting to hear from my daughter yesterday about her cheer try-outs. I went in her bathroom to find that she had put five pink construction papers across the top of her vanity mirror. This is what each one said:
Day 1, Try a little harder be a little better.
Day 2, Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what would go right.
Day 3, You can't fall if you don't climb.
Day 4, "Do not be afraid" is written in the Bible 365 times. That's a daily reminder from God to live everyday FEARLESS
Day 5, Don't worry, if it supposed to happen it will!
She had one more posted that has been hanging up for almost year that says: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalms 139:14. Rebecca had posted these to remind herself throughout this week to be secure, confident in who she is in Christ. As I stood there looking at each one God showed me that Rebecca had already won no matter how the day may turn out! Just like a year ago, when she didn't make the cheer team, she won that day too within her heart. It was painful and hard.
I've tried to teach my children, as hard as it is, to embrace the situation or the circumstances that they are in  and allow God to change and mold them to be more like Christ. As a mother it is hard to say that because in my heart I desire for Lee and Rebecca to be able to do and be a part of the things they want to do. More importantly, I want them to embrace God's plan and desires for their lives. As a mother it is hard to watch your child go through painful times. I have come to realize that those are the times God is shaping, growing, maturing & building character in them to be more like Jesus. My prayer for Lee and Rebecca is that they will choose to let God make those changes in them. The same thing applies to me, as well. If we know Christ we have already won, no matter what we are going through! That's hard to wrap my mind around sometimes, but I know it is true. My Father is Faithful to me, even when I am not faithful to HIM.
I don't know where you are today or what you are going through but I do pray that you will embrace where you are at and give it to God. He will walk you through the process. I pray that you will allow Him to fill the hurts, disappointments, pain, loneliness and voids with His Love, Peace, Joy and with confidence of who you are in Christ. YOU Have Already Won!

P.S.  Rebecca made the team!

Overwhelmed by Him,