Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Christmas Everyday

God brought me to this title as I begun to really think about Christmas memories. He didn't take me back to Christmas morning, but to all the different gifts and treasures that He gave me this past year.
My husband had open heart surgery back in the spring and before the surgery there were all the questions in my heart of what ifs. On a Respite night a young man, Daniel who cannot speak but a few words and who loves for  you to read to him came up to me in the hallway, took my hand to read a sentence to him. The sentence came out of the book The Crippled Lamb, Daniel's favorite book. The sentence read, Josh wanted to believe her, but it was hard. Some days he just felt alone. This is where I was before Gene's surgery, but that night changed me through Daniel. The day of the surgery, I received more treasures from my friends that came and stayed until that afternoon when Gene came out of surgery. Some of my friends brought goodies and the book, The Crippled Lamb!  Other times this year God gave me treasures through a man name Porter on a beach in Florida, by allowing me to share my testimony, through my kids love for me, praying with a respite care family whose daughter was going to have a major surgery and a friend calling to share a treasure she recieved that we are only require of two things each day, to love God and love others. There are so many gifts that He has given me this year. Each one brought me to the face of Jesus and changed my life in some way. As I close, the scripture from Luke 2:19 came to my mind, "But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." Just like Mary, God blesses us with heavenly treasures that are eternal everyday. I don't know about you, but I want to have Christmas in my life everyday that I am here on this earth!! May you receive a treasure today and this Christmas!  

Christmas 2010

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