Monday, October 3, 2011

Going Places

Planning a trip is fun, exciting and we just can't wait to get to our destination. We are buying new outfits, thinking of all the different things we can do, and preparing in advanced so we will be sure to enjoy our trip when we ge there.
What happens though when we know God wants to send us to a new place? Fear sets in, thoughts of I can't do this or go there, or insecurity takes over us. The joy, excitement, and eagerness to go that we had for our trip(vacation) has left us when God calls us to go with Him sometimes. Why is that, I ask myself? The truth is most of the time it is our selfishness. We don't want to have to give up something because we know when God calls He is calling us to surrender our will, our desires to His and totally trusting Him wherever He takes us. When we do go freely and allowing Him to guide the way it is a most memorable trip that can be shared with our children, grandchildren and friends of God'samazing  love for us. These trips are the ones that will change our lives and other people lives if we will share in our God places.
God called Jonah to go preach to the city of Ninevah on repentance. As you know, Jonah refuse to go but God didn't give in to Jonah's running away. God pursued him until Jonah's heart and eyes opened  to God's calling. By Jonah refusing to follow God's leading it cost Jonah pain,a traumatic experience, selfish anger and he went to a place that he didn't have to go. Just like Jonah we cause a  lot of our own hurts, pain, depression and other unhappy experiences that could be avoided if we would only got to the place God called s to with Him. God is always with us wherever He sends us.
Are you going to go or stay in the same place that is familiar and comfortable to you? Yes you will be stretched, tried, fearful and all the other things that are going through your mind. But when we go with God there are blessings, excitement, and changes within us that no one can experience or take away from us that are eternal treasures  imbedded in our hearts. So, let's go with Him.
It's your choice.
Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, " Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said. "Here am I,send me!"

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