Monday, October 31, 2011


Life is like a roller coaster ride; exciting, fun, fearful dangerous, and scary. The ride can be exhilarating one moment, and sickening the next. Life can be that way also, especially on our way up the roller coaster we are full of anticipation, excitement, maybe some fear and laughter.Then all of sudden we are going down thinking "what have I done" or " I am not going to make it". We are scared to the point that we can't laugh or cry and we are ready to get the ride over with. Some days we are going down the track smoothly, enjoying the scenery and having a great  time, but ahead we see a sharp curve coming our way or we are going so fast that our heads are aching and the ride is jarring us and slinging us from side to side. At this point, we are ready to bail out of the situation now!

God reminded me that the roller coaster will eventually come to a stop and that He is with me on the ride whether I am at the top flying high, the middle being jarred and shaken badly, at the bottom ready to give up and get off where He has me.

I don't know where you are at today; at the top, the middle, or at the bottom, but know God is riding with you  and has the safety belt pulled tightly against Him and that eventually the ride will come to a stop. So, don't be afraid  to get on the ride! In the meantime if you get on, hang on to Him, give all your emotions to Him, sit back, let Him be in control and receive all that He has to offer you along the way. He has promised us that He will never leave or forsake us, no matter what.

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