Monday, October 3, 2011

My Back Porch

"Come to me who are weary and heavy laden. I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Recently, early in the morning I had retreated to my back porch before my household had awakened. The sun was starting to pop out, the birds were chirping and my heart started stirring with the beauty of it all. As I was sitting and taking it all in, my mind was spinning with all kinds of thoughts about situtations going on in my life. I was so desiring to get away from it "ALL". I began to ask the Lord, simply telling Him I need to go on vacation or go somewhere, to be alone with Him. While my prayers or requests were being made, I was brought back to my surroundings of the beautiful hanging baskets, dew on the grass, warmth of the sun, chirping of the birds and the glow of His presence. God spoke to me in that moment;He said "Tammy,here is your getaway". He gently reminded me that I could have treasured getaways right on my back porch everyday and anytime I wanted them. All I need to do is make the time and allow Him to come with me. My back porch has been a treasured time with my Father, family and precious friends; it brings me rest, peace and a time that I savor with my God. At these moments, I am able to give Him all that wearies and burdens me and allow Him to heal, comfort and meet my needs like no one else can with His perfect timing.
God has taught me whether I am on vacation or a brief getaway with Him, I can have special moments daily;all I have to do is make the time and position myself in a place to receive the treasures He is ready to give me!
Where and what is your back porch? Allow your Heavenly Father to take you there, to give you just what you need for the day or the season in your life you might be iin. Take the time to rest in His love!
" MY soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him." Psalm 62:1
Have a blessed day!

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